滿足 Moon Zone 不但在乎顧客的美麗外表,更關注他們的內在健康;岩盤浴起源於日本秋田縣的玉川溫泉,經專家證實其釋放的遠紅外線及負離子,能提供自然治癒能力和生命力、消除疲勞、加速新陳代謝及排出毒素等功效。我們堅持為顧客提供最天然的產品、最專業的團隊及最優質的服務,讓他們在舒適的環境下,享受輕鬆的養生體驗,感受身心滿足。
Highly recommended massage masters with over 15 years experience. Very reasonable pricing and comfortable place. Located at SoHo and open from 10:30am to 11:30pm. Come here, and you will have a wonderful experience!
Foot Massage - 30mins HK$128; 50mins HK$178
Medical Massage - 30mins HK$148; 50mins HK$226
50mins Foot Massage + 25mins Medical Massage HK$266
All pricing has discount 10% on weekday!
Health Journey位於天水圍新北江商場,以家庭式小店形式經營,為客人提供一系列護理療程及專業正宗按摩服務。店鋪環境整潔舒適,能為顧客營造放鬆的環境去享受療程服務。
Health Journey致力以大眾化價錢,為客人提供不同種類和療效的優質按摩服務及護理療程。他們更設有正宗台式川式採耳服務,為客人提供舒緩壓力的好方法!
AMOOMA prizes itself as genuine and authentic spa experience that dedicates to the sacred Temple of Me. A quiet sanctuary situated away from the hustle and bustle of urban life, AMOOMA celebrates not just an unparalleled indulgence, but an ascending, spiritual experience that cares for your wellbeing – simply because we think everyone deserves a chance to blossom.–AMOOMA是真正的水療體驗, 更是洗滌心靈好地方。AMOOMA給我們慶祝無與倫比的放縱,令人興奮的提升精神體驗,ㄧ切只因為大家都能綻放自己!