About us
Revitalize Your Body with the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt
- Discover the Salt that will actually improve your health
The formation of the Himalayan Crystal Salts goes back to the formation of the Himalaya Mountains which started about 250 million years ago. The Himalayas used to be the ocean floor and when they started to rise, first, huge salt lakes formed and eventually they turned into enormous salt domes. These salts contain all of the 84 elements that the human body is composed of. They are as pure as the ancient primal oceans.
譽滿全城,沐足養生 | Famous in the whole city Foot Reflexology for Preservation of Health. | 沐足(足湯マッサージのこと、以下同様)で摂生する、香港では定評な人気店
Warm Feeling House provides comfortable high quality service to you by a team of specially trained Thai Massager in a comfortable, relaxing and warm feeling environment