The Elemis Day Spa which opened on the 12th Dec 2000 is geared to both business executives and homemakers in search of wellness or seeking some peace and relaxation from the stresses of Hong Kong living.
Step into a world of complete sensory heaven where time is left at the door and a new journey begins.
Escape from the pressures of everyday life and transport yourself to a tranquil world suspended in the heart of Central.
Discover harmony, escapism, ceremonies and rituals. A true pathway to inner peace, reflection, restoration and enlightment.
Allow yourself the time to be free...
Highly recommended massage masters with over 15 years experience. Very reasonable pricing and comfortable place. Located at SoHo and open from 10:30am to 11:30pm. Come here, and you will have a wonderful experience!
Foot Massage - 30mins HK$128; 50mins HK$178
Medical Massage - 30mins HK$148; 50mins HK$226
50mins Foot Massage + 25mins Medical Massage HK$266
All pricing has discount 10% on weekday!
位於銅鑼灣的 Home Spa,交通便利。雖然身處於香港最喧鬧的地區之一,卻有著家一般的溫暖感覺,為你隔絕了城市的吵鬧和壓力,讓你能在這片溫馨和愜意的環境裡,享受著專業和舒適的按摩服務,渡過只屬於你的時間。
Home Spa 為了打造一個充滿暖意和舒適的按摩環境,故意把室內燈光調節至一個舒適的程度,給予顧客滿滿的安全感,讓他們感到放心,好讓他們放鬆身子,享受接下來的按摩服務。而為了全面地照顧顧客的需要,Home Spa 推出了各式各樣的按摩服務,任君選擇。例如足底按摩、穴位按摩、泰式按摩等,保證總有一個適合你!