About us
Revitalize Your Body with the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt
- Discover the Salt that will actually improve your health
The formation of the Himalayan Crystal Salts goes back to the formation of the Himalaya Mountains which started about 250 million years ago. The Himalayas used to be the ocean floor and when they started to rise, first, huge salt lakes formed and eventually they turned into enormous salt domes. These salts contain all of the 84 elements that the human body is composed of. They are as pure as the ancient primal oceans.
Oriental Spa — 怡足閣 位於中環威靈頓街(Y-3側)佔地近三千尺,按摩師及美容師均是香港頂級會所特約及指定專業技師,服務以客為先,店內柔和而寧靜的環境,優雅而充滿東方色彩的裝潢更是忙裡偷閒的好去處。, 我們採用優質物料,配以專業手法,令客人達至身、心舒坦的感覺。了解客人需要,從而提供不同款式的組合服務。, 客人除了可享用單次服務付款外,另有不同優惠種類以供選擇,令客人:買得開心、用得放心。, Foot Reflexology, Body Massage, Nail Services,Foot Massage and Body Massage,Facial Service,
位於銅鑼灣的 Home Spa,交通便利。雖然身處於香港最喧鬧的地區之一,卻有著家一般的溫暖感覺,為你隔絕了城市的吵鬧和壓力,讓你能在這片溫馨和愜意的環境裡,享受著專業和舒適的按摩服務,渡過只屬於你的時間。
Home Spa 為了打造一個充滿暖意和舒適的按摩環境,故意把室內燈光調節至一個舒適的程度,給予顧客滿滿的安全感,讓他們感到放心,好讓他們放鬆身子,享受接下來的按摩服務。而為了全面地照顧顧客的需要,Home Spa 推出了各式各樣的按摩服務,任君選擇。例如足底按摩、穴位按摩、泰式按摩等,保證總有一個適合你!