Oriental Spa — 怡足閣 位於中環威靈頓街(Y-3側)佔地近三千尺,按摩師及美容師均是香港頂級會所特約及指定專業技師,服務以客為先,店內柔和而寧靜的環境,優雅而充滿東方色彩的裝潢更是忙裡偷閒的好去處。, 我們採用優質物料,配以專業手法,令客人達至身、心舒坦的感覺。了解客人需要,從而提供不同款式的組合服務。, 客人除了可享用單次服務付款外,另有不同優惠種類以供選擇,令客人:買得開心、用得放心。, Foot Reflexology, Body Massage, Nail Services,Foot Massage and Body Massage,Facial Service,
Lovely Spa is in the therapeutic benefit of each treatment that are especially designed to provide you with the most relaxing treatments. Our goal is to give the best services and best quality of products. With affordable prizes for everything from manicures to massage and a cozy, homey atmosphere that will put you immediately at ease.
spa ph+是一所「星級美容水療精品店」,由millistrong international limited作為後盾,spa ph+擁有最齊備的資源為您提供最優質的護理服務。
由「philosophy treatment spa」演變而成的spa ph+將最新的元素 - HABA、32C及aujourd’hui - 融合一起,今天,spa ph+已座擁多個國際護膚品牌,為您提供最高質素的護理療程。
spa ph+ is one of the first-tiered “beauty boutique” in Hong Kong. Backed by millistrong international limited, spa ph+ owns the best resources to provide you with the best treatment services.
Evolved from the renowned “Philosophy treatment spa”, spa ph+ has integrated new elements – HABA, 32oC and Aujourd’hui”- into the whole. Now, spa ph+ is a multi-branding beauty boutique that offers the most premium services to allthe beauty.
滿足 Moon Zone 不但在乎顧客的美麗外表,更關注他們的內在健康;岩盤浴起源於日本秋田縣的玉川溫泉,經專家證實其釋放的遠紅外線及負離子,能提供自然治癒能力和生命力、消除疲勞、加速新陳代謝及排出毒素等功效。我們堅持為顧客提供最天然的產品、最專業的團隊及最優質的服務,讓他們在舒適的環境下,享受輕鬆的養生體驗,感受身心滿足。